Registration for all June Player Skills Classes are now open.

Registration for all June Player Classes are now open. Here’s what we have going on throughout the week. 

Monday’s 5:15-6:15pm - Monday Night Mites (1 spot left)

Tuesday’s 7-9am - Original Breakfast Club Morning Skills

Wednesday’s 6:15- 7:15pm - Hands Class

Thursday’s - Private Lessons

Friday’s -Private Lessons

Saturday’s - 11am - 2:15pm - Mini- Camp 

Sunday’s - 10:30am - Sniper School 

You can find follow the links below to sign up. 

Spots are limited to *6 participants for each event. 

Sniper School - @ MHH Skill Pad 

**THIS EVENT IS AT THE MHH SKILL PAD - 14290 Herring road, C. Springs. **

MHH Sniper School will be held weekly on Sunday’s at the MHH Skill Pad. These sessions will be entirely focussed on goal scoring by learning the art of deception, changing the pucks angle and quick releases. Sessions will be limited to 6 players per group. All sessions will be lead by the MHH coaching staff.


June 9, 16, 23, 30

Session Start Times:

PW/Bantam - 10:30am

Location: MHH Skill Pad - 14290 Herring Road, C. Springs.

*Spots are limited to 6 players per group

You can contact with any questions.



Monday Night Mites - June @ MHH Skill Pad

**THIS EVENT IS AT THE MHH SKILL PAD - 14290 Herring road, C. Springs. **

Monday Nights are for the Mites. Every Monday in June, MHH will be hosting a Mite skills session. Each participant will receive a one hour skills practice led by the MHH Staff. Cost for a drop in session is $30 or sign up for the entire month at $100 (4 sessions).

Spots will be limited to 6 participants.

Dates: June 3, 10, 17 , 24

Ice Schedule: 5:15pm-6:15pm skills practice

You can contact with any questions.

Skill Pad Address:

14290 Herring Road, C. Springs

FROM $30.00


Hands Class - Wednesday Nights @ MHH Skill Pad

**THIS EVENT IS AT THE MHH SKILL PAD - 14290 Herring road, C. Springs. **

Want to learn to handle the puck like Patrick Kane? This class is for you. Every Wednesday night beginning in June, the MHH PC staff will be offering a stick handling class for our players to strictly work on their hands. Each class will be one hour long and will be limited to 6 players. Check out the schedule below and contact with any questions.

Cost: Full Package (4 sessions) $120, Single session $35

Dates: June 5, 12, 19, 26

Times: PW/Bantam/Midget 6:15pm

All classes will be held at the MHH Skill Pad (14290 Herring Road, C. Springs).

FROM $35.00


Original Breakfast Club @ MHH Skill Pad 

THIS EVENT IS AT THE MHH SKILL PAD - 14290 Herring Road, C. Springs

From the creator of Southern Colorado’s Original Breakfast Club, Coach Joey Coach and the MHH Players Club staff will be hosting small group skills sessions at the MHH Skill Pad on Tuesday mornings in June. Spots will be limited to 6 skaters and will be broken up as follows.

Dates: June 4, 11, 18, 25

2009 - 2010: 7am - 8am ice time

2007 - 2008 - 8am - 9am ice time

Cost for the entire month (4 sessions) is $120. Drop in’s will be $35.

You can contact with any questions.

FROM $35.00


Players Club Mini Camp - June 

*THIS EVENT IS AT THE MHH SKILL PAD - 14290 Herring Road, C. Springs*

The MHH Players Club is excited to be running our Saturday mini-camps at the MHH Skill Pad. Led by current professional hockey player Kevin Clark, these training sessions will feature 2 hours of ice time and 45 minutes of video break down. Spots will be limited to 6 players. Here is the break down.

Dates: June 8, 15, 22, 29

11am-12pm - edge work and puck handling

12:15-1:00pm - game situation video

1:15-2:15pm - shooting (practice to game transfer)

You can contact with any questions.

FROM $99.00


June 2-8 Lesson Openings:

Joey Carroll

  • Sunday, June 2 - N/A

  • Monday, June 3 - 7am @ Ice Ranch

  • Tuesday, June 4 - 7am & 8am @ MHH Skill Pad

  • Wednesday, June 5 - 7am @ Ice Ranch

  • Thursday, June 6 - 7am @ Ice Ranch

  • Friday, June 7 - 6:30am @ Ice Ranch

  • Saturday, June 8 - N/A

You can contact to book your lesson.

Cody Ayers

  • Sunday, June 2 - 9:30am @ MHH Skill Pad 

  • Monday, June 3 - 6:15pm @ MHH Skill Pad 

  • Tuesday, June 4 - N/A

  • Wednesday, June 5 - 4:15pm & 5:15pm MHH Skill Pad

  • Thursday, June 6 - N/A 

  • Friday, June 7 - 4pm, 5pm & 615pm @ MHH Skill Pad

  • Saturday, June 8 - N/A

You can contact to book your time.

*An additional ice rental fee of $12 is required for all ice sessions.  

*By booking a lesson you are agreeing to our 24 hour lesson cancellation policy. 

Goalie Club: June 2-8 Lesson Openings

2 Spots Left For June Monday Night Mites!!!!!