Cody Lampl & the Pinguins travel to Denmark to face off against the Frederikshavn White Hawks

Cody Lampl and the Fischtown Pinguins travel to Denmark to face off against the Frederikshavn White Hawks in exhibition play tonight. Located in Northern Denmark, the White Hawks were founded in 1964 and play out of the 4000 seat Scanel Hockey Arena. Last season they won the bronze medal game in the Danish Metal Ligaen. It should be a great test for both clubs. Get a feel for the arena and the type of atmosphere Lamps can expect today. 

Er I klar til aftenens kamp derude?? Vi glæder os til endnu en fed aften, med masser af god stemning og kampgejst. :o)Her er lige en lille stemningsvideo fra åbningskampen mod Odense den 5. December. .. Giv den nu gas folkens og ha' en rigtig fantastisk aften i Scanel Hockey Arena! :-)

Posted by Frederikshavn White Hawks on Friday, December 12, 2014

Pinguins win on the road 5-3, Lamps held off the scoresheet

Champions Hockey League Starts Today